miércoles, 25 de enero de 2012

George Harrison Quotes

  • My idea in "My Sweet Lord," because it sounded like a "pop song," was to sneak up on them a bit. The point was to have the people not offended by "Hallelujah," and by the time it gets to "Hare Krishna," they're already hooked, and their foot's tapping, and they're already singing along "Hallelujah," to kind of lull them into a sense of false security. And then suddenly it turns into "Hare Krishna," and they will all be singing that before they know what's happened, and they will think, "Hey, I thought I wasn't supposed to like Hare Krishna!"
    • Interview with Mukunda Goswami (4 September 1982)
  • It just annoyed me that people got so into the Beatles. "Beatles, Beatles, Beatles." It's not that I don't like talking about them. I've never stopped talking about them. It's "Beatles this, Beatles that, Beatles, Beatles, Beatles, Beatles." Then in the end, it's like "Oh, sod off with the Beatles," you know?
    • Interview with Selina Scott on West 57th Street, aired 12 December 1987
  • I had no ambition when I was a kid other than to play guitar and get in a rock 'n' roll band. I don't really like to be the guy in the white suit at the front. Like in the Beatles, I was the one who kept quiet at the back and let the other egos be at the front.
    • Interview with Selina Scott on West 57th Street, aired 12 December 1987
  • He was annoyed 'cause I didn't say that he'd written one line of this song "Taxman." But I also didn't say how I wrote two lines of "Come Together" or three lines of "Eleanor Rigby," you know? I wasn't getting into any of that. I think, in the balance, I would have had more things to be niggled with him about than he would have had with me!
    • When asked about John Lennon's feelings towards his autobiography, interview with Selina Scott on West 57th Street, aired 12 December 1987
  • Rap music is just computerised crap. I listen to Top of the Pops and after three songs I feel like killing someone.
    • Quoted in The Beatles — After the Break-up : In Their Own Words (1991) by David Bennahum, p. 54
  • I felt in love, not with anything or anybody in particular but with everything.
    • of first taking LSD, The Beatles Anthology (2000), p. 177
  • If everybody who had a gun just shot themselves there wouldn’t be a problem.
    • The Beatles Anthology (2000), p. 226
  • You can be standing right in front of the truth and not necessarily see it, and people only get it when they’re ready to get it.
    • The Beatles Anthology (2000), p. 267
  • That's what the whole Sixties Flower-Power thing was about: 'Go away, you bunch of boring people.'
    • The Beatles Anthology (2000), p. 296
  • If there's a God, I want to see Him. It's pointless to believe in something without proof, and Krishna consciousness and meditation are methods where you can actually obtain God perception. In that way you can see, hear and play with God. Perhaps this may sound weird, but God is really there next to you.
    • Introduction to Swami Prabhupada's book Krsna
  • All religions are branches of one big tree. It doesn't matter what you call Him just as long as you call. Just as cinematic images appear to be real but are only combinations of light and shade, so is the universal variety a delusion. The planetary spheres, with their countless forms of life, are naught but figures in a cosmic motion picture. One's values are profoundly changed when he is finally convinced that creation is only a vast motion picture and that not in, but beyond, lies his own ultimate reality.
    • Introduction to Swami Prabhupada's book Krsna

John Lennon Quotes

A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.
John Lennon
All we are saying is give peace a chance.
John Lennon
All you need is love.
John Lennon
And God help Bruce Springsteen when they decide he's no longer God... They'll turn on him, and I hope he survives it.
John Lennon
As usual, there is a great woman behind every idiot.
John Lennon
Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue with that; I'm right and I will be proved right. We're more popular than Jesus now; I don't know which will go first - rock and roll or Christianity.
John Lennon
Everybody loves you when you're six foot in the ground.
John Lennon
Everything is clearer when you're in love.
John Lennon
God is a concept by which we measure our pain.
John Lennon
Guilt for being rich, and guilt thinking that perhaps love and peace isn't enough and you have to go and get shot or something.
John Lennon
He didn't come out of my belly, but my God, I've made his bones, because I've attended to every meal, and how he sleeps, and the fact that he swims like a fish because I took him to the ocean. I'm so proud of all those things. But he is my biggest pride.
John Lennon
I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?
John Lennon
I believe in God, but not as one thing, not as an old man in the sky. I believe that what people call God is something in all of us. I believe that what Jesus and Mohammed and Buddha and all the rest said was right. It's just that the translations have gone wrong.
John Lennon
I don't believe in killing whatever the reason!
John Lennon
I don't know which will go first - rock 'n' roll or Christianity.
John Lennon
I'm not claiming divinity. I've never claimed purity of soul. I've never claimed to have the answers to life. I only put out songs and answer questions as honestly as I can... But I still believe in peace, love and understanding.
John Lennon
I'm not going to change the way I look or the way I feel to conform to anything. I've always been a freak. So I've been a freak all my life and I have to live with that, you know. I'm one of those people.
John Lennon
If being an egomaniac means I believe in what I do and in my art or music, then in that respect you can call me that... I believe in what I do, and I'll say it.
John Lennon
If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there'd be peace.
John Lennon
If someone thinks that love and peace is a cliche that must have been left behind in the Sixties, that's his problem. Love and peace are eternal.
John Lennon

Read more:http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/j/john_lennon.html#ixzz1kU3HlB8d
Ringo Starr Quotes 

I've never been able to sit round on my own and play drums, practice in the back room, never been able to. I've always played with other musicians. It's how I play, there's no joy for me in playing on my own, bashing away. I need a bass, a piano, guitar, whatever, and then I can play.
I never studied anything, really. I didn't study the drums. I joined bands and made all the mistakes onstage.
I'm not going to say anything because nobody believes me when I do.
When we first started, they basically went John and Paul's way because they were the writers and they would say, "This is the song," and I would play as creatively as I could. Sometimes I would have three people telling me how to do it. They were saying play it this like on that track. I'm saying, "For Christ's sake, there are two drummers there." They could never hear that, you know. You'd have to have four arms to do half the stuff they wanted me to do.
I got blisters on my fingers!
Everyone thought we toured for years, you know, but we didn't. I joined in '62, and we'd finished touring in '66 to go into the studio where we could hear each other... and create any fantasy that came out of anybody's brain.
Do you remember when everyone began analyzing Beatles songs? I don't think I ever understood what some of them were supposed to be about.
America: It's like Britain, only with buttons.
I started to be an engineer but I banged me thumb on the first day. I became a drummer because it was the only thing I could do.
I couldn't put my finger on one reason why we broke up. It was time, and we were spreading out. They were spreading out more than I was. I would've stayed with the band.
Paul McCartney Quotes 

At the end of the Beatles, I really was done in for the first time in my life. Until then, I really was a kind of cocky sod.
Paul McCartney

Buy, buy, says the sign in the shop window; Why, why, says the junk in the yard.
Paul McCartney

George Martin, he's very good at a very sort of lush, sweet arrangement.
Paul McCartney

George wrote Taxman, and I played guitar on it. He wrote it in anger at finding out what the taxman did. He had never known before then what could happen to your money.
Paul McCartney

I can take pot or leave it. I got busted in Japan for it. I was nine days without it and there wasn't a hint of withdrawal, nothing.
Paul McCartney

I can't deal with the press; I hate all those Beatles questions.
Paul McCartney

I definitely did look up to John. We all looked up to John. He was older and he was very much the leader; he was the quickest wit and the smartest.
Paul McCartney

I don't ever try to make a serious social comment.
Paul McCartney

I don't take me seriously. If we get some giggles, I don't mind.
Paul McCartney

I don't work at being ordinary.
Paul McCartney

I feel that if I said anything about John, I would have to sit here for five days and say it all. Or I don't want to say anything.
Paul McCartney

I had this song called Helter Skelter, which is just a ridiculous song. So we did it like that, 'cuz I like noise.
Paul McCartney

I knew the words to 25 rock songs, so I got in the group. Long Tall Sally and Tutti-Frutti, that got me in. That was my audition.
Paul McCartney

I never look forward, because I have no idea about how any of it happened to getting here. I've no idea how the next five years are going to be.
Paul McCartney

I never really got on that well with Yoko anyway. Strangely enough, I only started to get to know her after John's death.
Paul McCartney

I saw that Meryl Streep said, I just want to do my job well. And really, that's all I'm ever trying to do.
Paul McCartney

I think people who create and write, it actually does flow-just flows from into their head, into their hand, and they write it down. It's simple.
Paul McCartney

I used to think anyone doing anything weird was weird. Now I know that it is the people that call others weird that are weird.
Paul McCartney

I used to think that all my Wings stuff was second-rate stuff, but I began to meet younger kids, not kids from my Beatle generation, who would say, We really love this song.
Paul McCartney

I used to think that anyone doing anything weird was weird. I suddenly realized that anyone doing anything weird wasn't weird at all and it was the people saying they were weird that were weird.
Paul McCartney

Read more:http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/p/paul_mccartney.html#ixzz1kU291f1v